Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Art on the Wall


            Vandalism.  They’re a group of young people that have no respect for anyone else’s belongings. It is an untasteful display of emotion expressed in the wrong way. Graffiti, what is it? Where did it come from and what has it help shape?
            “Graffiti is the name for images or letterings scratched, scrawled, painted, or marked in any manner on property.” (Wikipedia) It can be “dated back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.”(Wikipedia) “The earliest forms date back to 30,000 in the form of prehistoric cave paintings and pictographs using tools such as animal bones and pigment.”(Wikipedia) Going from the caves and prehistoric times we can find ourselves in Modern-Style Graffiti.
            Modern Style graffiti’s first known examples can be said to survive “ in the ancient Greek city of Ephesus.” (Wikipedia) Graffiti was found carved onto walls and monuments in ancient Rome In Pompeii, Vesuvius preserved graffiti. This included “Latin curses, magic spells, declarations of Love” (Wikipedia) and many other things that gave insight to Roman street life.
            From the Modern Style graffiti we venture into Modern graffiti. It is here graffiti is “ often seen as having become intertwined with hip hop culture and the myriad of international styles derived for New York Subway graffiti.” (Wikipedia)Graffiti continued to spread with culture and to different lands; letting artist express themselves not only about who they were by tagging their names on walls, but also by allowing them to convey their views on political stand points.
            Yes, people think this kind of art is vandalism, untasteful and done in places where it should not be. Look how far it dates back and what ways its came through time to help shape some of the culture that is still here today. Art is always open to interpretations, so why not make your own opinion? I myself love graffiti and wish there where more places here that allow the artists to fill the streets with what lies inside.



Liberty by Banksy

“Graffiti-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.” Wikipedia site .21 September 2010. 21 September 2010 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graffiti>

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